- Recognise and manage emotions
- Develop care and concern for others
- Make responsible decisions
- Establish positive relationships
- Handle challenging situations effectively
- What am I feeling physically and emotionally?
- Why am I feeling this way?
Relationship Management
- Communication
- Relationship building
- Negotiation
- Refusal
Students see disagreements as conflicts. This provides the opportunity for us to demonstrate how to resolve conflicts through negotiation. Anticipate, discuss and address rather than escalate.
Sustained listening is the bedrock to building perspective taking skills. Posture of interest and open-ness is expected - part of respect. Ask clarifying questions with the objective to understand. Reflect on what they have heard - don't make assumptions.
Responsible Decision Making
- Problem solving
- Analysing situation
- Assuming personal responsibility
- Respecting others
Cognitive - e.g. overwhelmed
Physical - e.g. tired
Feeling - e.g. happy
R - Recognise
U - Understand: emotional honesty - link the emotion to the context
L - Label (Do the students have the emotional vocabulary?)
E - Express (could be through journaling)
R - Regulate (emotional stamp collection, the more you collect, the more extensive the outburst) [Last resort]
R - Regulate (emotional stamp collection, the more you collect, the more extensive the outburst) [Last resort]
There are no RIGHT feelings. It is a state that informs.
Must emphasise need for self-care.