Thursday, January 13, 2011


Created all the groups for my classes on iMedia. Have grand plans for the girls - for them to create blogs for reflections, for them to upload videos or images. I am amazed how much CGS has done for the girls, to create the ICT learning spaces, both physical and virtual.

3C3 is a high-ability class with girls who are very motivated. 3S1 is free-spirited, with a sense of humour.

Two classes, just two.

After teaching them how to vary sentence lengths and structures, I got the girls to post their reflections with a simple 2-1 structure. It feels great to be doing this and to be thinking about whether students have learnt something.

I look forward to using more ICT in my lessons.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The first day...

I survived the first day. 

Teaching English and Mathematics to the same two Secondary Three classes - I have to say this is the first for me. I checked and apparently quite a rare arrangement in CGS.

I think I started with them the wrong foot - maybe I was too stern in delineating all my expectations - I could sense the stillness in the classroom. Would I be able to engage them? So many things to think about - how to infuse technology in the classroom? How to make sure they learn the concepts? My mind is a whirlpool of information and right now I am still trying to make sense of the surroundings.

Small breaths. A step at a time. I will find my groove soon. I hope.